Step by Step!

Puzzle # 48: Non-consecutive Sudoku!

Hey everyone! Another Friday evening (for me, anyway), another end of a work week but the start of another blog post! As you know by now, I love setting sudokus with multiple variants. The last few puzzles, however, I've decided to take a step back and focus on only one variant.

I hope you like non-consecutive sudokus because here is one such puzzle! I'm rather fond of the non-consecutive constraint as it's often a pleasant surprise just how much progress you can make by focussing on the right area. I'd say this puzzle is more friendly than my last non-consecutive sudoku but still has enough meat on the bone if you're looking for something that's a bit more than a GAS.


- Normal sudoku rules apply.

- Digits in orthogonally adjacent cells must NOT be consecutive.

Enjoy, and may the cookies crumble in your favour!

CC :)
