Four of a Kind

Puzzle # 59: X-Sums Sudoku ... with a twist!

G'day! It's been another long while since I lasted posted a puzzle and I've had this puzzle ready to go for a while but just re-test solved it and I'm quite happy with it. I hope you enjoy this X-Sums Sudoku with a diagonal twist :)


- Normal sudoku rules apply.

- X-Sums rules: Numbered clues outside the grid indicate the sum of the 1st X cells, where X is the 1st cell in the corresponding row/column.

- ALL shaded digits along indicated diagonals are identical. Note that all 4 digits are unique by sudoku, including red (r5c4) & yellow (r4c5) by box 5.

(Additionally for colour-blind folks: r5c6 is green & r4c6 is blue).

Enjoy, and may the cookies crumble in your favour!

CC :) 
