
Puzzle # 65: Killer, Little Killer & Renban Sudoku!

G'day! It's been quite a while since I posted a puzzle, so please enjoy this Killer, LK & Renban Sudoku. If you like Pokemon, you'll see the resemblance the renban lines have with the title of this blog post. Hope you manage to solve this one; if not, why not check out this solve by the lovely SudoKanard on his amazing youtube channel? If yes, then why not check it out anyway?! :)


- Normal sudoku rules apply.

- Killer rules: Digits in a cage must not repeat and must sum to the given total.

- Little Killer rules: Digits along indicated diagonals must sum to the given total.

- Renban rules: Red lines are renban lines. Digits along red lines cannot repeat and must form a consecutive group in any order.

Enjoy, and may the cookies crumble in your favour!

CC :)
