Do you feel lucky? :)

 Puzzle # 69: Killer, LK & Odd/Even Sudoku!

G'day! I've been wanting to get an Odd/Even puzzle on my blog, so after trying several set-ups with killer and LK clues, I came up with this Killer, Little Killer and Odd/Even sudoku. The start is a bit tricky but the puzzle does start to flow once you get into the mid-solve.


- Normal sudoku rules apply.

- Killer rules: Digits cannot repeat in a cage and must sum to the total given.

- Little Killer rules: Digits along indicated diagonals must sum to the total given (and may repeat if permitted by classic sudoku rules).

- Odd/Even rules: Digits in a circle/square must be odd/even.

Enjoy, and may the cookies crumble in your favour!

CC :)
