2024: The Year of Digit Sandwiches?

Puzzle # 64: Digit Sandwich Killer Renban Sudoku!


G'day! If you like sudoku that's not quite the usual sudoku, then listen up! Folks who solved my inaugural digit sandwich puzzle - (see 24/09/2023 blog post; I'm still claiming it's a variant I created!) - will be happy that I've had another go at setting a similar puzzle; this time, it's a digit sandwich killer renban sudoku. This one is tougher than my first offering so don't be discouraged if you hit a roadblock or two on the way to solving this one. Good luck with this one!


- Normal sudoku rules apply, but NB: digits 0-8 are used, NOT the usual digits 1-9.

- Killer rules: Digits in a cage must not repeat and must sum to the given total.

- Renban rules: Red lines are renban lines - digits on such a line for a consecutive group of digits in any order.

Here are those digit sandwich rules again: Clues outside the grid indicate the sum of digits sandwiched between x and y is xy (NOT yx) - e.g., in r7, the sum of digits sandwiched between 2 and 3 is 23 (NOT 32).


Enjoy, and may the cookies crumble in your favour!

CC :)
